Deductions for 'ordinary debt'
If you owe money to DWP (UC or other department), housing benefit or tax credits then this will be treated as 'ordinary debt'. An amount can be recovered from your ongoing UC payment until the balance is cleared.
If you are paying back any advances on your current claim for UC then the advance repayment will take priority, then an amount will be collected for 'ordinary debts' within the allowed limits. Any advances from a previous claim will be treated as an 'ordinary debt'.
If you have no earnings or earnings below your work allowance, no more than 15% of your standard allowance can be taken for one ordinary debt, but no more than 25% of your standard allowance can be taken for all ordinary debts and advance repayments combined.
If you have earnings above your work allowance, no more than 25% of your standard allowance can be taken for all ordinary debts and advance repayments combined.
DWP Debt Management are responsible for collecting the money for 'ordinary debts'. If you have a query over the balance or what department a debt came from you can call DWP Debt Management to discuss. You may even be able to agree a fixed lower amount if the amount being deducted is causing you hardship. You can contact them on 0800-916-0647.
If you wish to query how the debt arose or challenge the amount, you need to speak to the relevant benefit department directly.